Field Studio is the Emmy-winning collaboration of Hannah Ayers and Lance Warren, married documentary filmmakers based in Richmond. Field Studio’s films includes An Outrage, distributed by Kanopy and Learning for Justice, an initiative of the Southern Poverty Law Center; and The Future of America’s Past, funded by VPM and airing on most PBS member stations nationwide. Since 2009, Field Studio has tackled historical memory and justice through piercing personal stories of struggle and resilience.
As Virginia’s home for public media, VPM connects nearly 2 million people across Central Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley to insightful programming in arts and culture, history, science, news and education. VPM operates the public television stations VPM PBS, VPM Plus, VPM PBS KIDS, lifestyle channel VPM Create, and international program channel VPM WORLD, as well as Richmond NPR station VPM News (88.9 FM) and VPM Music (107.3 FM, 93.1 FM and 88.9-HD2). In the Northern Neck (89.1 FM) and Southside Virginia (90.1 FM), listeners hear a combination of news and music. Audiences can access VPM online at and on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
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